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2005-05-13 [Ellyn]: That's oh so true, Fi. I have an extremely short curcuit... XP
2005-05-13 [Dwemer]: Erm, topic: which person, do you hate most?
2005-05-13 [Ellyn]: Um... to whom are you speaking...?
2005-05-13 [Dwemer]: Pardon me, wrong wiki ... *hits himself*
2005-05-13 [De'ladrei]: lol well ok then...
2005-05-13 [Ellyn]: Haha. Okay... I could tell you who I hate, but it might take a while... O_O
2005-05-13 [De'ladrei]: hahaha oh i know the feeling
2005-05-13 [iCh3wi]: Well, I hate the president, but thats beside the point.
2005-05-13 [Ellyn]: ...*growl* I find him to be a good president, but like you said, it is aside the point.
2005-05-13 [Whim]: Why hate the president? He's just a person who happens to be in a position of power. It's not like any other person would do a much better job. Lots of people are gonna hate any president that gets elected.
2005-05-13 [iCh3wi]: I dont "hate him" hate him, I mean, I don't agree with a lot of things he does. But like any president that is elected, they will always do something that will not be goo to some.
2005-05-13 [Whim]: of course, which is why it annoys me slightly that people attack the president as a person instead of attacking his decisions alone.
2005-05-13 [iCh3wi]: I do however support the war, but I think we might have been able to wait a little longer. But, thats my opinion, and everyone is subject to their own opinions.
2005-05-13 [Whim]: well, yeah, we can always wait a little longer, but that doesn't mean that it's gonna look any better. The war wouldn't be any more accepted a little later than it is now.
2005-05-13 [Dwemer]: I hate your president for killing more then 40.000 innocent civilians, I hate my goverment for making drugs and prostitues legal.
2005-05-13 [Whim]: our president didn't do anything that any other president wouldn't have eventually done. The man didn't personally go out and shoot 40,000 innocent civilians. He didn't specifically say that he wanted 40,000 innocent civilians to die. He made a decision that may or may not have been a bad one, but his intentions were good.
2005-05-13 [Dwemer]: That's crap whim, sorry with all due respect, Hitler didn't go out and shot any jews.
2005-05-13 [iCh3wi]: Yes, his intentions were good, and some good things have come out of the war, but ultimately, there have been mostly bad outcomes, (<I got that off of CNN, I dodnt make it up) Bush specifically didn't kill people, but the people who work for him did, so in a sense, he did kill them. But he had his reasons to do it, especially since 9/11. He did have good intetions, but they didn't happen the way he or any of us planned.
2005-05-13 [Whim]: but he did command his men to do so and knew very well what was going on and what would happen when he gave the order. Hitler purposely and blatently commanded his armies to wipe out the jews. Bush gave no order to kill innocent people. Yes, he decided we needed to go to war, but that was with good intentions. You forget that during war, innocent people die. You can't have a war without killing people. Well, you can, but it'd be a pretty shoddy war.
2005-05-13 [Dwemer]: No maybe your right ^_^ I just don't want to see war again. you probably don't know, but in Europe, there's still war!
2005-05-13 [iCh3wi]: Your right [Whim], he didnt order them to die, but in war, people do die, even the ones who have nothing to do with the war. Such as what happened with those tourists in the Philippines, the wife survived, but her husband was killed, because we were at war. I do know that there is still war in Europe. My cousin goes to school in Austri and she tells me all the time of things that are happening out there. When her brother went to Germany, he said everywhere he went, there were Anti-America rallies. It's a cruel and sorry world sometimes.
2005-05-13 [Whim]: I know there's still war in europe. And war is never good and, in my opinion, never right. But sometimes it is necessary and sometimes the wrong people get caught in the crossfire. Mistakes were made, as they always are, but that's the price that must be paid to get the job done. It's no different now than it was in WWI or WWII as far as casualties go. The only difference is that we live in a time when there are a lot more liberals and pacifists protesting, so all those little mistakes that are bound to happen get emphasized by the media to keep the political wars in the states going so the media can keep profiting off the war.
2005-05-13 [Dwemer]: You know why that is, I think america is *thumbs up* no doubt about that, sorry if you thought else ^_^ but if america attacks a country , everybody sais : DONT DO THAT AMERICA! , but if they did't, and they situation is getting out of control they say: AMERICA SHOULD HAVE DONE SOMETHING!
2005-05-13 [iCh3wi]: Another problem is in fact the conflicts between the Republicans and Democrats. I don't know if any of you here anything from where I'm at down here in Texas, but when our government was trying to make a decision, both parties could not agree and the Democrats ran away and stayed in Oklahoma for 3 months, costing Texas residents $8.5 million dollars because they did not agree with the Republicans. And of course, the media went crazy down here. I wish I ahd owned stock in the local newspaper company, I would have made a fortune.
2005-05-13 [Ellyn]: Ack. I'm glad I was gone during certian parts of this coversation. It prevented virtual blood spill. And thank you, Whim. I won't waste time saying what you already said twice, but Bush and Hitler and nothing alike- don't even try to compare them. That's apples and oranges. And Silenced, as for your reference to CNN, of course anything you got from it would be dissing Bush- the people who produce CNN personally hate Bush!!! They are all liberals, so of course you are going to get bad feedback from them!
2005-05-13 [Whim]: yes, politically, we can't win if there's a war. The world will either shame us for being cowards or sadists for not doing what we normally do--kick everyone's ass. But when we do what we normally do, we get blamed for being arrogant rednecks and then they start bringing up all our mistakes--whic
2005-05-13 [Dwemer]: Media is weird, allthough this is EPI *weird eh?*
2005-05-13 [iCh3wi]: Yes, but we are the unique weird, the other media is a "bland" sort of weird.
2005-05-13 [Dwemer]: *shakes hand with crowe* indeed, anyone wants a drink? on me!
2005-05-13 [Whim]: hehe...well, the commercial media makes a lot of money every time something horrible happens. They love when a war happens because that means they all get rich off their asses. And yes, they also take sides half the time too and since most major news networks are based in new york and california, they tend to lean towards being liberal.
2005-05-13 [Ellyn]: Though war isn't a good thing, we need it to survive. We can't survive off of appeasing and comprimise- people lie, so it would never work.
2005-05-13 [iCh3wi]: I need a strong Margarita. (Do they have those in Europe?)
2005-05-13 [Ellyn]: *nods and agrees with Whim*
2005-05-13 [Dwemer]: hahaha, they have all ^_^ *hands over margarita to crowe* Sumi, your right, totaly, sometimes, action is the only reaction.
2005-05-13 [De'ladrei]: *is lost in this conversation*
2005-05-13 [Ellyn]: *nods* For example, during the early stages of WWII, when Neville Chamberlain was Prime Minister of England, and England was a very strong country, he tried to avoid war. He said to Hitler that they didn't want war, so they wouldn't attack Germany (though at the time they could have thuroughly kicked some ass) if Hitler didn't invade several other countries. Hitler, not being an idiot, took it as a chance to invade, seeing as he was home free. A lot of death and pain could have been prevented. England's army could have destroyed the Nazis at the time, but since we "waited" as you suggested earlier, Silenced, millions were killed.
2005-05-13 [Dwemer]: Yes I know Sumi, but he did what he thought was best for his country. allthough he was to late, but i think we can't blame him, or can we?
2005-05-13 [Ellyn]: Well he did have what he thought was his country's best interest in mind, and for that, the more power to him, but it only ended up in pain. It is simply an example that war cannot be avioded, and appeasing nearly never works.
2005-05-13 [Dwemer]: *nods and agrees with sumi*
2005-05-13 [Ellyn]: Thank you, my love! I feel all agreed with! It makes for less arguing! *huggles Fi*
2005-05-13 [De'ladrei]: *hugs Sumi*
2005-05-13 [Dwemer]: ermm, de'ladrei, do you have any new EPI news?
2005-05-13 [Whim]: And the U.S. didn't get in on the war for a good while either. We were just letting hitler hop around doing whatever he wanted, cause hey, he wasn't gonna be gunning for us, right? Well, between a few countries that could have joined the war effort earlier, they could have stopped WWII before it even picked up any pace. However, it may be a good thing that it did last as long as it did because we got a lot of great technology out of that war. Scientists and technicians work harder during times of war.
2005-05-13 [Ellyn]: That is true, but is the life really a sacrifice for technology?
2005-05-13 [Dwemer]: naah, it isn't, it's my vision
2005-05-13 [De'ladrei]: at the moment no, but i will get back to you asap
2005-05-13 [Whim]: well, no, but that war has passed, so there's no need to have harsh feelings about it now. Just like any war that occurs, there's no need to get pissed about it. Just try your best to fix it and make the most of what comes of it.
2005-05-13 [Dwemer]: *thumbs-up* ^_^ will do.
2005-05-13 [Ellyn]: *nods* Nice outlook. In any case, we are more prepared for the future. Preperation is vital to human life, anyway.
2005-05-13 [iCh3wi]: *finishes Margarita off* Wow, I missed a lot all of a sudden. It's amazing what we can learn from others mistakes, especially during times of war and conflict
2005-05-13 [De'ladrei]: im...im gold....*doesn
2005-05-13 [Whim]: as lovely as it must be to be recognized as a donor, I must say that that particular shade of gold looks kind of tacky on the houses.
2005-05-13 [Dwemer]: I'm sorry, what does tacky means??
2005-05-13 [Tear]: lol, Tacky is like cheesy or taboo.
2005-05-13 [iCh3wi]: wat bout cheesy tacos
2005-05-13 [Whim]: eh...not taboo, exactly. Taboo implies that it's weird or maybe even kinky. I meant that it just doesn't look good and really doesn't match the overall design of the page.
2005-05-13 [Tear]: And why would we need to do that?
2005-05-13 [Ellyn]: Cheesy tacos are good. Fi, is your page gold? It still looks gray to me, but maybe I'm colour blind...?
2005-05-13 [iCh3wi]: Why should we message Hedda?
2005-05-13 [Dwemer]: to tell him, we don't like it.
2005-05-13 [Ellyn]: *looks confused* Why are we messaging Hedda?
2005-05-13 [Ellyn]: Ah, I see. Well he's in charge, and apparently he likes it, and that's all that matters. It isn't negatively affecting us, really.
2005-05-13 [iCh3wi]: In think Joost wants yall to message Hedda so that he will get rid of the gold. right?
2005-05-13 [Dwemer]: Right richard, if we all don't like it, we should tell the main man : [Hedda] respect ^_^
2005-05-13 [Whim]: well, it's not on my house, so I don't care...hehehe.
2005-05-13 [Ellyn]: Oooh, I see how it is. If it doesn't effect you, you don't care? Tsk tsk.. XP
2005-05-13 [Dwemer]: hmm. true true
2005-05-13 [Whim]: De'ladrei is the sucker who donated to elfpack and got the tacky new design...muaha
2005-05-13 [Tear]: Lol, I would've too, but i don't have paypal or anything like that, so I couldn't
2005-05-13 [Ellyn]: *runs off in to a corner* Would you care if my puppy died?
2005-05-13 [Dwemer]: I still want to donate, and i'll do it as soon as I get my $$$
2005-05-13 [Firenze]: I am curious, do any of you lot actually have a NCTJ Journalism qualification?
2005-05-13 [Whim]: hehehe...I was only joking.
2005-05-13 [Firenze]: I am being serious does any of you lot actually have a NCTJ Journalism qualification?
2005-05-13 [Ellyn]: I figured. :) As was I. I don't have a puppy, so we don't have to worry about it.
2005-05-13 [Whim]: I don't know what that is, Firenze, but I just had another article published in the paper that I work at.
2005-05-13 [Tear]: I don't think that any of us have that, Firenze. We are all rookies over here. I think that I am the only one who writes reviews for cash, but that is only because of the job I got with my Uncle.
2005-05-13 [Ellyn]: I kind of doubt it (though I may be wrong) but it doesn't really matter. This e-zine is simply for fun, and you simply have to be a good writer to participate in it- not a qualified one, to answer Fir.
2005-05-13 [Tear]: But I do that for Square-enix, as a game tester.
2005-05-13 [Firenze]: I was just curious and wanted to know that is all
2005-05-13 [Whim]: so what is it? Don't leave us in suspense, man!
2005-05-13 [Dwemer]: [Tear] is so lucky ^_^ *melts by the idea testing games for Square soft, errm Enix*
2005-05-13 [Firenze]: What the NCTJ Journalism?
2005-05-13 [Whim]: It does seem like an extremely awesome job, but I, personally, would be bored out of my mind playing square games for a living. But that's just me...hehe. I haven't really enjoyed a square game since FF7.
2005-05-13 [Whim]: Yes, Firenze. What is NCTJ Journalism and what benefits would I gain by being liscensed?
2005-05-13 [Ellyn]: I agree. It wouldbe awesome at first, I would think at least, and get dull after a while. But then again, I have ADD and I can't sit still for anything. Heehee. XD
2005-05-13 [Whim]: well, I don't count those cause they technically came before 7. I meant all games after 7 I have not really enjoyed, except maybe Ehergeiz.
2005-05-13 [Dwemer]: Well, all people here, I'm going to sleep now ^_^ *hugs and shakes hands* :P Speak to you later ^_^
2005-05-13 [Firenze]: NCTJ Journalism is a qualification that all journalists must obtain before they can work in a proffessional newspaper or as a proffessional Journalist. So the benefits of having this qualification is that you will be able to write newspaper articles properly and also be able to recognise good journalistic qualities about a person. Plus Journalism is good money especially in Broadcast Journalism. There is your answer [Whim]
2005-05-13 [Tear]: [Whim[, i don't do that for a living, but i do do it for cash, every now and then. My Uncle works for the production team at Square-Enix, so when they get certain games that he is working on with the rest of the crew, he sends me a plane ticket, and I go and stay with him for like a week, and I test it for them and help woth bugs and such. That usually only happens maybe like 3 or 4 times a year though
2005-05-13 [Orestez]: still beats the hell outa my day job, lol
2005-05-13 [Whim]: ah, well, I'll probably get that eventually. But for now, I don't need it right away and I can already recognise good journalistic qualities...he
2005-05-13 [Tear]: Thanks for the page breaks, Orestez. I gotta go, I have baseball tonight. later yall
2005-05-13 [Orestez]: I'll clean up the whole review section in a few minutes
2005-05-13 [Firenze]: If you are that good [Whim] go to Firenze's Articles and tell me which of my articles have been published and which ones haven't
2005-05-13 [Whim]: I have two day jobs. They're both decent and I actually think I probably like the jobs I have now about as much as I'd like playing final fantasy all day...lol.
2005-05-13 [Firenze]: I have 3 jobs and they all suck big time
2005-05-13 [Whim]: hehe...I will check that, however, just because an article is published doesn't mean that it's any better or worse than other articles. You just have to present it to the right publication or do it at the right time.
2005-05-13 [Firenze]: I know but I want to see if you can tell the difference
2005-05-13 [Ellyn]: Ah, I enjoy my day job of doing nothing. Heh, I have my doctor parents to support me for the time being... *evil laughter* Hows that for lazy and bratty?
2005-05-13 [Ellyn]: But I do a lot of work around the farm, and I volunteer at a place for disabled people and I babysit, and still manage to keep straight A's in college courses being in high school, so I guess I'm okay.
2005-05-13 [Ellyn]: Great, how's that for bragging? I just need to shut up...
2005-05-13 [Whim]: Well, since I'm really lazy, I'm gonna base my decisions on just the titles, subjects, and light skimming. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that all your movie reviews made it to the local paper--if you submitted them at the time the movies were released...heh
2005-05-13 [Whim]: a boy and his dragon, ceaser, and the other shakespear review probably were in the school paper.
2005-05-13 [Firenze]: Correct on the movie review, star ocean has been in my local paper silent hill hasn't been published yet.
2005-05-13 [Whim]: And the mumps one made it into the local paper. The cider one probably wouldn't have been published in a stricter paper, but since it's a local paper, I'm gonna say it may have gone in, but I still somewhat doubt it.
2005-05-13 [Firenze]: good guessing, I guess you are not so bad after all, lol ^_^ I am off to bed now as I have a big day of shopping tomorrow ^_^
2005-05-13 [Whim]: And the being a writer one almost definitely did not make the local paper and probably didn't make the school paper either.
2005-05-13 [Firenze]: Both correct again and the cider one did get in and you should read it, you might learn something
2005-05-13 [Whim]: and that's VERY surprising to me about the star ocean thing being in the newspaper one. You either have a pretty open local paper or you had to fight for that one a little...hehe.
2005-05-13 [Whim]: hehehe...I may read them later.
2005-05-13 [Firenze]: The writer one was sent off today and I have been told by the editor it is being published in my local newspaper on monday
2005-05-13 [Firenze]: *sticks tongue out*
2005-05-13 [Whim]: hmmm...that's surprising...h
2005-05-13 [Firenze]: I am doing my work experience at The Sun and The Guardian this year
2005-05-13 [Whim]: hehe...nifty. I'm not even sure what those are...lol.
2005-05-13 [Firenze]: They are both newspapers in England and extremely good ones might I suggest that you heck out the sun's website
2005-05-13 [Whim]: hmmm...again, I'm lazy, but maybe later...lol. Honestly I have little to no interest in newspapers. I just happen to work at one. I enjoy writing editorials and commentaries though, so at some point, I wouldn't mind working at a magazine--part
2005-05-13 [Firenze]: I can get tickets for all the gaming events here in the UK but I prefer to stick to the Yu-Gi-Oh conventions or even Charmed, I just get landed with all the boring articles at college and I want to work for a magazine called new scientist
2005-05-13 [Whim]: hehe...well, E3 is the big one. From what I understand, you have to be somehow affiliated with the gaming industry to even have a chance at scoring tickets.
2005-05-13 [Firenze]: We get all the top games from EA and companies like that and we review them for them. I am getting to be an annoying little shit aren't I??
2005-05-13 [Whim]: lol...no, not at all. Like square, I also wouldn't care anything about most EA games...lol.
2005-05-13 [Firenze]: I got my Final Fantasy games because I had to review them. By the way you are a great guy to talk to in comparison to what I have been told about what you are like.
2005-05-13 [Whim]: hehehe...who were you listening to?
2005-05-13 [Whim]: They're jealous of my amazingness.
2005-05-13 [Firenze]: Well [Dwemer] said that you said that Holland should be blown up and he wasn't to happy about it
2005-05-13 [Whim]: hmmm...I don't remember that...but I also don't doubt that I said it...hehe. Why would I say I wanted to blow up Holland?
2005-05-13 [Firenze]: I dunno maybe he doesn't like you
2005-05-13 [Whim]: oh well. I'll live, most likely...unles
2005-05-13 [iCh3wi]: I give up. I went back 3 pages to see replies to my comment and it still wasnt there. Please don't blow up Holland any of you, then we would loose Joost.
2005-05-13 [Orestez]: We'd lose Debby too, and then I'd cry..
2005-05-13 [Firenze]: He is a hard worker and I should know because I have been working hard right beside him ^_^ I'm the psychotic one, lol. Well I have to see a psychiatrist due to some minor mental problems but I am not a complete and utter psyco
2005-05-13 [iCh3wi]: Is it a bad thing when you get so depressed that you end up hurting yourself. That happens to me so much these days I dont know what to do anymore.
2005-05-13 [Whim]: That's what happens when you don't sell your soul to the EPI.
2005-05-13 [Whim]: I want to go to a psychiatrist. It sounds like loads of fun...hehe.
2005-05-13 [Firenze]: Don't need to sell my soul to EPI as I am already loopy ^_^
2005-05-13 [iCh3wi]: *Doesnt understand* If Holland blew up, wed not just loose Debby and Joost, but also Sanne [thnx goodbye lozers]
2005-05-13 [Firenze]: It is especially when they say youcan punch anything in the room and they don't think you are going to hit them
2005-05-13 [Firenze]: I ain't going to blow up Holland as I am going on holiday there next year.
2005-05-13 [iCh3wi]: Well I meant hurting myself as in cutting my self.
2005-05-13 [iCh3wi]: *feels jealous* You sux, youd better take pic and post them
2005-05-13 [Firenze]: Now as my mum would say "that is very naughty and you shouldn't play with sharp objects"
2005-05-13 [iCh3wi]: My mom doesnt know, or else i would be in rehab
2005-05-13 [iCh3wi]: again
2005-05-13 [Firenze]: I got put in a mental hospital for a week
2005-05-13 [iCh3wi]: I was in rehab for anorexia, I weighed 98 pounds and they said I was suppose to weigh 158
2005-05-13 [Firenze]: I beat the living shit out of my Maths teacher because he called my mum an elephant and he began to insult my family but before that I stalked him and threatened to kill him because he kept insulting me and my family
2005-05-13 [iCh3wi]: WOW! And how do you feel about that? Just kidding. If my math teacher said that, I would slit her fucking throat! Did the rehab work? Mine never did.
2005-05-13 [Firenze]: Yeah but I still have to see a psychiatrist every week to make sure it has worked because I can just flip
2005-05-13 [iCh3wi]: Yeah, I never had to go to a psycho therapist ort whatever they are called. You know? Maybe I should have kept my mouth closed about that whole President Bush statement I made. Theres about 8 pages of arguments now because I said that.
2005-05-13 [Firenze]: You should see the general studies paper wrote on Tony Blair sucking George Bush's nob...........
2005-05-13 [iCh3wi]: LMAO!!!! Way to go!
2005-05-13 [Firenze]: My Principal wasn't best pleased >.<
2005-05-13 [iCh3wi]: You should have told him to go and suck an egg.
2005-05-14 [Tear]: Hey, Orestez, since the old reviews boss is gone, does that mean I can have his character dude?
2005-05-14 [Orestez]: I'll make you one, how about that?
2005-05-14 [Tear]: Sweet, thanks dude.
2005-05-14 [iCh3wi]: Hold on Orestez. I know you are busy and all, but my sister is my asistant editor now and has been for about a month. Do you think you could make a banner that has both of us on it for EP Independent Quotes?
2005-05-14 [Tear]: Oops, maybe I shouldn't have said anything.... Are you the boss-man of your section? I thought it was only the bosses that got them.
2005-05-14 [Orestez]: are you refering to kate? If so np.
2005-05-14 [iCh3wi]: I dunno, I am confused about that to. I thought a banner with both of our characters could be made for the front of the wiki. Am I wrong?
2005-05-14 [Orestez]: I just need something to go off of to make her character
2005-05-14 [Tear]: Kate? As in [Solitiaum]? I thought she had a dude already. [Solitiaum] is your sister? Holy shizmump!
2005-05-14 [iCh3wi]: Umm, if your talking to me Tear, [Katriel] is my sister. I can send you a pick if you like, but it's just a drawing. Do you need an actual pic?
2005-05-14 [Tear]: [Orestez] is nice to people. BTW, I like the way you have your hair, dude. My hair in that picture that is in my house is actually blue, but really dark, because I had just took out the bleach and dyed it blue. Now the blue came out, and the blonde grew out somewhat, and I have blonde tips.
2005-05-14 [Orestez]: as long as It has hair length, style, color and clothing
2005-05-14 [Tear]: Oh, I thought you meant [Solitiaum], because her name is Kate as well. I like my picture, because I am shirtless, hee hee hee.
2005-05-14 [iCh3wi]: Hmmm, it has her hair length, her style is punk, but the color is black and whit, as its in pen. Her clothing is usually blue jeans and long black shirts. Should I send it anyways, then you can see if you need a better pic?
2005-05-14 [iCh3wi]: Lolol, yeah, that is easy to get confused. As Katriels name is Katherine but we all call her Kat. I like my pic, Im wearing my black hoodie and orange hat, yup yup!! :p
2005-05-14 [Orestez]: yeah, I need and picture please.
2005-05-14 [Tear]: I look like Mr. Spock from the original star trek, when he had that tan colored suit instead of the red blue or light green ones they had. And I have the pointed ears, which makes me look even more like spock.
2005-05-14 [iCh3wi]: Thumbs up for Star Trek!
2005-05-14 [Whim]: muahahahha
2005-05-14 [iCh3wi]: *gets scared*
2005-05-14 [Whim]: What?
2005-05-14 [iCh3wi]: I dunnno
2005-05-14 [Whim]: No I'm not! You saw nothing...
2005-05-14 [Dwemer]: to come back on the subject, if holland was nuked, there wasn't any Europe left >.<
2005-05-14 [Dwemer]: By the way, does anyone here, [Whim] , [Orestez] or the others have a game in mind I could review ??
2005-05-14 [Orestez]: Doom3
2005-05-14 [Dwemer]: Allrighty then ^_^ DOOM3 will be the next one, my neighbour has it, so i'm going to borrow it from him ^_^
2005-05-14 [Orestez]: I have it for PC and its kick ass!!!
2005-05-14 [Dwemer]: Yeah ^_^ ? what's his best feature ?
2005-05-14 [Orestez]: The graphics are INTENSE!! and the programers put tons of stuff to fuck with your head
2005-05-14 [Dwemer]: Sounds like hours of fun to me ^_^
2005-05-14 [Orestez]: days of fun, lol.
2005-05-14 [Dwemer]: *thumbs-up* The next deadline is 3th of June, do think I'll manage to get that deadline with DOOM3, I allready have 2 reviews.
2005-05-14 [Orestez]: Massive front image update
2005-05-14 [Dwemer]: It looks great ^_^
2005-05-14 [Orestez]: down to three...they should be done tommorow.
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